I haven’t posted for a while, so will try to catch you up with two today.

ON THE WAY OUT WEST – Written 8/23

We’re into our third day traveling by train from Springfield to Salt Lake City. It has been amazing how much variety we have seen along the way. From cities, to farmland, woods to open prairie – and through the heart of the Rocky Mountains the scenery makes you appreciate the vastness, variety and beauty of the USA.

Crossing the Mississippi

Crossing the Mississippi

Travelling by train has been a delight. It has been great to see the continent, meet people from different parts of the country (actually, the world). It is, as one person put it – a “civilized” way to travel if you have the time, which we, by the grace of God, generosity of the Lilly Endowment and the understanding of Calvary congregation have had this summer. We’ve met some interesting people along the way – three from Australia (a mother & daughter doing a US tour and a young man just out of college travelling alone), a large family from Salt Lake City on vacation together, and an older man who said that he had probably traveled this route 50 times over the years.

Sunrise on the Prairie

Sunrise on the Prairie

We had an interesting lunch with a twenty-something from Chicago who was on his way to the “Burning Man” festival for the sixth time. Burning Man is held in the desert about 140 miles from Reno, NV. Each participiant is expected to carry in (and out) everything they will need to survive in the desert for a week – the closest store is 80 miles away. Apparently a community is laid out in the desert for the week – with music, art, activities of various kinds. Though he did not mention it, the festival has a very strong new age/ neo-pagan influence as well. It culminates with the burning of a huge sculpture in the center of camp (hence the name: “Burning Man”.)

Through the Rockies

Through the Rockies

As we talked with this young man, it was apparent that a large part of the attraction was the sense of community he experienced for the week. He spoke with great enthusiasm of his role as one of the two hundred torch carriers who lit the streets each evening and how much he was looking forward to being able to work in the communal kitchen. It was obvious that there was a deep longing in his soul to be connected with other people in something bigger than himself – even if it was all burned up at the end of the week.

A "Fresh Air" Stop at Fraser, CO

A "Fresh Air" Stop at Fraser, CO

In reflecting on this over the last few days, I’ve realized that the people of God should offer what this young man longs for. We are called to be a community of faith – a place where folks don’t just chat over coffee or share in church activities, but where we share life together. We also are part of something much bigger than ourselves. We have no less a calling than to give ourselves to God’s purpose of making all things new. Perhaps part of what he will show us at Calvary is how to make that more of a reality in our midst – and draw in people such as this young man who yearn to be part of something big.

HOW GREAT THOU ART – Written 8/26/10

When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze

Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee How great Thou art, How great Thou art!

Church of the Transfiguration

Church of the Transfiguration

We arrived in Salt Lake City late Monday evening, got settled in and had a good night’s sleep. People told us that the movement of the train would rock us to sleep, but that was neither Melissa’s nor my experience. We arrived tired. After picking up a rental car (I did allow them to talk me into upgrading to a Rav-4) we spent the day in and around Salt Lake City. We looked around city , saw Temple Square but the highlight of the day was driving up into a couple canyons on the outskirts of town. Absolutely magnificent! We ooh’d and aah’d at the views and took a hike up to a waterfall. It was great.

On Wednesday we drove up to Jackson, WY to visit the Teton National Park. The drive from Salt Lake was magnificent. In just a matter of hours we passed through desert, canyons, thick forest and seemingly dry waste land. We spent today visiting the park and trying to absorb the majesty and beauty of the mountains and lakes. Standing before something so vast, ancient and majestic it is hard not to be moved to adore the greatness and glory of the One who created it all – and sense awe that this great and glorious God has called us to himself.

All in all, a great time. By the way – Melissa bought a western hat.

