Later this month, we will celebrate the event which defines our hope as the people of God. On Easter morning, we proclaim that the one who we follow was not just a great religious teacher who lived long ago, now fondly remembered. We do not proclaim a Savior who was raised from the dead, but is now far from us. No, we proclaim Jesus…risen from the dead…ascended into heaven, who dwells in our midst by the Holy Spirit. On Easter morning, we proclaim “the Lord is risen!” but we also rejoice that “the Lord is with us!”

On his last night with the disciples, Jesus said that it was for their own good that he was going away. How could that be true? Jesus knew that, though he would die, he would be raised … and would then be present with the disciples in a new and intimate way. No longer would he merely be “with” his disciples for them to observe and hear. Now his Spirit would dwell within them. As they went forth in Jesus’ call to take the Gospel to all people, Jesus’ disciples would not be alone: Jesus’ power would become their power, his hope would be their hope, for he had promised to be with them to “the end of the age.”

In the resurrection, God has revealed his purpose to bring people out of death to life. In the resurrection, God has promised to work within and through his people to accomplish his desire. As the result of the resurrection, we are called and empowered to be part of the mission to take the Gospel to every person.

God’s purpose is that the love of Jesus be proclaimed to every man, woman, and child in the community of Enfield. I believe he is calling the church to accomplish that great commission in our day. How will we be able to carry out such an overwhelming task? Only in the confidence and power that comes from the resurrection of Jesus!

On this Easter Sunday, let us not only gather to celebrate what God has done but what God is going to do as we allow the reality of the resurrection to transform our lives and empower us to go forth in Jesus’ name.

God of glory, fill your church with the power
that flows from Christ’s resurrection,
that, in the midst of a sinful world,
it may be a sign of the beginning of a new humanity,
risen to new life in Christ,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever. Amen.
-Book of Common Worship


Wednesdays – March 2, 9 & 16
6:15 p.m. – Soup Supper
7:00 – 7:30 p.m. — Lenten Communion Service

Holy Thursday – March 24
7:00 p.m. — “Service of the Shadows” with communion

Good Friday – March 25
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. – Community Good Friday Service at Calvary Church

Easter Sunday – March 27
9:00 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. — Morning Worship
10:15 a.m. — Children’s Bible Treasure Hunt (No Sunday School)